In Autumn, the proteins in our cells, change colors and put on a fantastic display before they flutter softly to the ground… no wait, that’s leaves. Nonetheless, this RNA polymerase sports the latest fall colors, inspired by the view from my windows. RNA Polymerases create strands of RNA from a DNA template in the nucleus. The RNA can go on to be used in the process of protein translation outside the nucleus. Sadly, cellular proteins are too small to actually have any color at all; the wavelengths of visible light are much larger, but at least we don’t have to rake them.
And here it is in animated GIF form:
hi how can i watch the videos?i had problem with finding them please help me thanks
Hi. Amazing work. Is it C4D which was used to create these stunning illustrations?
Thanks Safdar! These illustrations were created in Lightwave 3D and After Effects/Photoshop, with a little help from Pymol and 3D Coat. I have not used C4D, although it seems like an excellent 3D package for this kind of thing. I would love to try it out at some point. Cheers!