RNA Polymerase Transcription:  Scientific Illustration GIF

RNA Polymerase Transcription: Scientific Illustration GIF

In Autumn, the proteins in our cells, change colors and put on a fantastic display before they flutter softly to the ground… no wait, that’s leaves. Nonetheless, this RNA polymerase sports the latest fall colors, inspired by the view from my windows. RNA...
Unwinding DNA: Scientific Illustration

Unwinding DNA: Scientific Illustration

Since I started exploring CRISPRs and Cas9, I’ve been spending a bit of time working out the mechanics of animating strands of DNA for my Cas9 complexes to edit. DNA is a common character in medical animations, and we are frequently called on to manipulate it in...
CRISPR Cas9 Gene Editing: Scientific Illustration

CRISPR Cas9 Gene Editing: Scientific Illustration

A guy came up to me at a party last weekend, and asked, “Hey, do you know about CRISPRs?” and I thought, “Sure, I know how to keep my vegetables fresh in the fridge.” But, as my new friend explained, CRISPR is an acronym for: Clustered...
That Spells DNA! Scientific Illustration

That Spells DNA! Scientific Illustration

Today is DNA Day. From Wikipedia: DNA Day is a holiday celebrated on April 25. It commemorates the day in 1953 when James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin and colleagues published papers in the journal Nature on the structure of DNA....